ZZZ Online classes: Wednesday 8am and 6.30pm
Naked yoga for men.
When? Wednesday at 8am BST and 6.30pm BST. (Click on the heading or the icon):
Midweek Motivator.
8am BST
A one-hour flowing class designed to get you moving on “hump day” and raise energy levels to carry you through to the weekend.
Friendly yoga.
6.30pm BST
A 90-minute class to help you celebrate your body and how it moves.
Click here for the class calendar
What you need:
- Something to drink.
- A towel (we sometimes use one to help with the postures)
Health: Before your first class, please consider your health. If you have or have recently experienced any of the health conditions listed below, please let me know so I can adapt the practice:
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure/fainting
Heart problems
Detached retina/other eye problems
Recent fractures/sprains
Recent operations
Back problems
Knee problems
Neck problems
Any other conditions that might affect your mobility or are likely to cause you concern when doing yoga.
Social: This is is not a grind them in and out, commercialised yoga group with empty catchphrases,’manifestos’ and mission statements. It’s about friendship and connection. Very often the 6.30pm class is followed by an online social/chinwag.
Queries? Just send me an email to altogether.yoga@gmail.com
Naked yoga for men.